
職稱 特聘教授
學歷 國立臺灣大學大氣科學系 學士
美國普渡大學地球與大氣科學系 碩士
美國普渡大學地球與大氣科學系 博士
專長 氣候、颱風、東亞夏季季風
開設課程 氣候學、氣象學、世界氣候、熱帶氣候、聖嬰與短期氣候
聯絡電話 07-7172930 轉 2712
E-mail kko@mail.nknu.edu.tw
  1. 美國普渡大學地球與大氣科學系助教
  2. 美國普渡大學地球與大氣科學系研究助理
  3. 國立臺灣大學大氣科學系博士後研究
  4. 高雄師範大學地理學系副教授
  5. 高雄師範大學地理學系教授


    1. Ko, K.-C., and D.G. Vincent, 1995: A composite study of the quasi-periodic subtropical wind maxima over the South Pacific during November 1984-April 1985.    Climate, 8, 579-588. 
    2. Ko, K.-C., and D.G. Vincent, 1996: Behavior of one-to-two week summertime subtropical wind maxima over the South Pacific during an ENSO cycle. Climate, 9, 5-16. 
    3. Vincent, D.G., K.-C. Ko, and J.M. Schrage, 1997: Subtropical jet streaks over the South Pacific. Wea. Rev., 125, 438-447.
    4. 柯亙重, 1997: 賀伯颱風期間高雄地區氣象資料分析。 環境與世界, 1, 1-17.
    5. 柯亙重, 1998: 1997-1998年聖嬰現象之洋溫及850百帕風場分析。 環境與世界, 2, 67-84.
    6. 柯亙重, 2000: 高雄市區夏季風向風速日變化及海陸風分析。環境與世界, 4, 105-113.計畫編號: NSC-89-2111-M-017-001
    7. 柯亙重, 2000: 台灣西南部地面氣溫日變化之分析。 中國地理學會會刊, 第28, 127-144. 計畫編號: NSC-88-2111-M-017-001
    8. 柯亙重, 2001: 南太平洋上空副熱帶噴流距平之波譜結構:以1986年11月至 1987年4月為例。 大氣科學, 第29期第2, 97-108.計畫編號: NSC-88-2111-M-017-001
    9. 柯亙重, 2001: 柯瑞奧勒斯傳奇。環境與世界, 5, 141-151.
    10. 柯亙重, 2002: 偵測時間序列之波譜演變。 大氣科學, 第30期第2, 135-146.計畫編號: NSC-90-2111-M-017-001
    11. 柯亙重與李西謀, 2003: 高雄市冬夏風向量日變化分析。環境與世界, 7, 37-53.
    12. 柯亙重與張書芸,2004: 高雄地區夏季地表氣溫分布之觀測解析。環境與世界.9,83-106
    13. 柯亙重,2006: 台灣冬夏季季風及短期氣候變遷研究。環境與世界 13,23-34
    14. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2006: Sub-monthly circulation features associated with tropical cyclone tracks over the East Asian monsoon area during July-August season. Meteor. Soc. Japan, 84, 871-889.
    15. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2009: ISO Modulation on the Sub-monthly Wave Pattern and Recurving Tropical Cyclones in the Tropical Western North Pacific. Climate, 22, 582-599.
    16. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2010: Downstream Development of the Summertime TC/Sub-monthly Wave Pattern in the Extratropical North Pacific. Climate, 23, 2223-2229.
    17. 許晃雄、洪志誠、翁春雄、李明營、羅資婷、郭芮伶、柯亘重、周佳,2010: 莫拉克颱風的多重尺度背景環流. 大氣科學 第38期第1, 1-19.
    18. Ko, K.-C., H.-H. Hsu, and C. Chou, 2012: Propagation and Maintenance Mechanism of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and the TC feedback in the Western North Pacific. Climate, 25, 8591-8610.
    19. Ko, K.-C., and Y.-S. Tzeng, 2013: Characteristics of summertime circulation patterns for southern Taiwan’s monsoon rainfall during July to September. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 24, 107-119.
    20. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2014: Barotropic Interactions Between Summertime TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and Intraseasonal Oscillation over the Western North Pacific. Atmos. Ocean. Sci. ., 25, 719-726.
    21. Ko, K.-C., and P.-S. Chiu, 2014: ISO modulating effects on the East Asian summer monsoon circulation patterns associated with southern Taiwan's monsoon rainfall. Wea. Rev., 142, 3163-3177.
    22. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2016: Quasiperiodic Behavior of the Pacific-Japan Pattern Affecting Propagation Routes of Summertime Wave Patterns and the Associated Tropical-Cyclone Tracks over the Western North Pacific. Wea. Rev., 144, 393-408.
    23. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2016: Relationship Between Summertime Intraseasonal Oscillations and Submonthly Wave Patterns Under Meridional Periodic Fluctuations. Climate, 29, 6151-6166.
    24. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2017: Interannual Variability of the Intraseasonal Oscillation and Its Impact on the Summertime Wave Patterns and Tropical Cyclones over the Western North Pacific. Wea. Rev. 145, 3465-3483.
    25. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2019: Impact of Interannually Varying Background Circulation on Summertime Wave Patterns and Tropical Cyclone Tracks in the Western North Pacific. Clim Dyn, 53 (3), 2249-2263. Doi: 1007/s00382-019-04823-z.
    26. Ko, K.-C., H.-H. Hsu, and J.-H. Liu, 2020: Interdecadal changes of the ISO and the associated TC/submonthly Wave Pattern in the Western North Pacific. Atmos. Ocean. Sci., 31, 295-311. Doi: 10.3319/TAO.2019.08.20.01.
    27. Ko, K.-C., C.-C. Hong, and J.-H. Liu, 2021: Modulation of El Niño events on Summertime westward-propagating Wave Patterns and Tropical Cyclone Movement in the Western North Pacific. J. Climatol. 41, 4398-4413. https://doi.org/10.1002/joc.7079
    28. Ko, K.-C., H.-H. Hsu, and J.-H. Liu, 2022: Impact of global warming on Summertime Submonthly Wave Patterns and Tropical Cyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific. Clim Dyn,, 59, 3535-3554. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00382-022-06281-6
    29. Ko, K.-C., H.-H. Hsu, and J.-H. Liu, 2023: Impact of subtropical ISO propagation route on Summertime Submonthly Wave Patterns and TropicalCyclone Activity in the Western North Pacific. Wea. Rev., 151, 2065-2076.




  1. Ko, K.-C., 1995: Quasi-periodic behavior of summertime subtropical jets over the South Pacific during an ENSO cycle.  Preprints, 21st Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology,  Miami, Amer. Meteor. Soc., 114-115.
  2. Ko, K.-C., and D.G. Vincent, 1996: Tropical-extratropical influences on the South Pacific subtropical jets on time scales from intraseasonal to interannual. Preprints, Symposium on the Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land System (GOALS), Atlanta, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  3. Ko, K.-C., 1996: Intraseasonal (1-2 week) signals of the South Pacific subtropical jets. Preprints, 5th National Conference on the Atmospheric Sciences, Taipei, 633-636. (Available from Department of Atmospheric Sciences, National Taiwan University)
  4. Vincent, D.G., and K.-C. Ko, 1997: Tropical versus mid-latitude forcing of subtropical jet streaks over the South Pacific. Preprints, 7th Conference on Climate Variations, Long Beach, CA, Amer. Meteor. Soc.
  5. 柯亙重, 1997: 艾尼紐---生態環境大搬家。(國民中學認識台灣地理篇)課程研討會, 19-28.
  6. Ko, K.-C., 1998: Circulation anomalies of the subtropical jets over the South Pacific during November 1986-April 1987. Proceedings of Meteorology, Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting 1998, Taipei, Central Weather Bureau (Taiwan).計畫編號: NSC-87-2111-M-017-001
  7. Ko, K.-C., 1998: Circulation anomalies associated with 1 to 2 week subtropical jets over the South Pacific during November 1986-April 1987. Preprints, 9th Symposium on Global Change Studies, Phoenix, Amer. Meteor. Soc.計畫編號: NSC-87-2111-M-017-001
  8. Ko, K.-C., 1999: Temporal structure of the subtropical jets over the South Pacific and the associated midlatitude synoptic forcing during November 1986-April 1987. 6th National Conference on the Atmospheric Sciences, 台北翡翠灣。計畫編號: NSC-88-2111-M-017-001
  9. 柯亙重, 1998: 1997-1998年台灣西南部的暖冬現象。 (高屏溪流域)地理學術研討會.
  10. Ko, K.-C., 1999: Relationship between the 1 to 2 week subtropical jets and the midlatitude forcing over the South Pacific during November 1986-April 1987.計畫編號: NSC-88-2111-M-017-001
  11. Ko, K.-C., 1999: Cross–correlations of the 1 to 2 week subtropical jets and the midlatitude forcing over the South Pacific during November 1986-April 1987. Preprint of the 10th symposium on the Global Change Studies.  Dallas, Texas. 計畫編號: NSC-88-2111-M-017-001
  12. Ko, K.-C., 2000: On the detection of the 1 to 2 week subtropical jets over the South Pacific during November 1986-April 1987. Preprint of the 11th symposium on the Global Change Studies. Long Beach, CA.計畫編號: NSC-89-2111-M-017-001
  13. Ko, K.-C., 2001: A new look at the temporal structure of a time series. 8th International Meeting on Statistical Climatology. University of Lueneburg, Germany.
  14. 柯亙重, 2001: 偵測波譜結構之時間演變 。全國大氣科學學術研討會, 台北國際會議中心, 481-484.計畫編號: NSC-90-2111-M-017-001
  15. 柯亙重, 2002: 環境教育與協同教學。技職校院提升師資結構研討會, 岡山空軍航空技術學校。
  16. 柯亙重, 2002: 從氣候變遷看未來。“人類與環境”師資研習研討會, 南投高商。
  17. 張書芸與柯亙重,2004: 高雄地區夏季地表氣溫分布與熱島效應之研究。環境資源與環境災害研討會。桃園龍潭渴望園區。
  18. 李西謀與柯亙重,2004: 台灣南北部氣候特徵差異。第八屆全國大氣科學學術研討會, 桃園龍潭渴望園區。
  19. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2006: Relationship between sub-monthly variability and tropical cyclones over the East Asian summer monsoon area during 1991-2001. Eighth AMIP/East Asian Climate Worhshop, 31 March-1 April, Nantou, Taiwan.
  20. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2006: A composite study of sub-monthly circulation features over East Asia during late summer. 27th conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 24-28 April, 2006, Monterey, California, USA
  21. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2007: Climatology of sub-monthly wave patterns associated with tropical cyclone tracks over the East Asian monsoon area during July-August season. 19th conference on Climate Variability and Change, 14-18 January, 2007, San Antonio, Texas, USA
  22. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2008: Behavior of sub-monthly wave patterns associated with recurving tropical cyclones during extreme intraseasonal phases in the western North Pacific. 28th conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 28 April-2 May, 2008, Orlando, Florida, USA
  23. 曾奕順與柯亙重,2008: 台灣南部地區7-9月降雨系統分類研究。天氣分析與預報研討會.中央氣象局(台北市)。9/9-9/11。
  24. 柯亙重, 2010: 都市氣候與因應─以高雄為例。城市學研究學術研討會。高雄市立空中大學。3/28
  25. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2010: Downstream Development of the Summertime TC/Sub-monthly Wave Pattern in the Extratropical North Pacific. 29th conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology, 10-14 May, 2010, Tucson, Arizona, USA
  26. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2010: Upper-level downstream development of the summertime submonthly wave patterns over the western North Pacific. Western Pacific Geophysical Meeting, 22-25 June, 2010, Taipei, Taiwan
  27. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2010: Statistical and dynamical impacts of the tropical cyclones on the summertime submonthly wave patterns over the western North Pacific. 11th International Meeting of Statistical Climatology, University of Edinburgh, Scotland, UK, July 12-16, 2010
  28. Ko, K.-C., and Y.-S. Tzeng, 2011: ISO modulating effect on the summertime circulation patterns for southern Taiwan’s monsoon rainfall and the associated during July to September. XXV IUGG General Assembly, Melbourne, Australia, June 28-July 8, 2011.
  29. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2011: Vorticity and energetic studies of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and the TC feedback in the Western North Pacific. East Asian Climate (EAC) Conference, Kaohsiung, Taiwan, August 6-7, 2011.
  30. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2011: Propagation and energetic studies of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and the TC feedback in the Western North Pacific. Asian Ocean Geophysical Studies (AOGS) Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, August 8-12, 2011.
  31. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2011: Mechanism of the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern Propagation and Maintenance and the TC feedback in the Western North Pacific. 6th European Conference on Severe Storms. Palma de Mallorca, Spain, October 3-7, 2011
  32. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2013: Interactions between the TC/submonthly Wave Pattern and ISO in the Western North Pacific. 25th Climate Variability and Change Conference. Austin, TX, January 6-10, 2013.
  33. Ko, K.-C., P.-S. Chiu, and Y.-S. Tzeng, 2013: Circulation patterns for southern Taiwan’s summer monsoon rainfall during May to September. Workshop on Analyses, Dynamics, and Modeling of Large Scale Meteorological Patterns Associated with Extreme Temperature and Precipitation Events. Berkeley, CA, August 20-22, 2013.
  34. Ko, K.-C., and H.-H. Hsu, 2013: Interactions between the submonthly Wave Pattern and ISO in the Western North Pacific. AGU Fall Meetings, San Francisco, December 9-13, 2013.
  35. Ko, K.-C., and P.-S. Chiu, 2015: Relationship between the ISO and the East Asian summer monsoon circulation patterns. 27th Climate Variability and Change Conference. Phoenix, AZ, January 4-8, 2015.
  36. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2015: Interactions between Oscillating Pacific-Japan Patterns and Summertime Wave Patterns associated with Tropical-cyclone Tracks over the Western North Pacific. 8th European Conference on Severe Storms. Wiener Neustadt, Austria, September 14-18, 2015.
  37. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2016: Relationship between Periodic Meridional Fluctuations and Summertime Wave Patterns associated with Tropical-cyclone Tracks over the Western North Pacific. 32nd Conference on Hurricanes and Tropical Meteorology. San Juan, Puerto Rico, April 17-22.
  38. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2016: The Intraseasonal Oscillations and Submonthly Wave Patterns in the Western North Pacific. 20th Conference on air-sea interaction. Madison, Wisconsin, August 15-19.
  39. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2016: Impacts of The Intraseasonal Oscillations on the Submonthly Wave Patterns over the Western North Pacific. 11th European Conference on Applied Climatology. Trieste, Italy, September 12-16.
  40. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2017: Interannual variability of the Submonthly Wave Patterns over the Western North Pacific. AGU Fall meetings, New Orleans, December 12-16, 2017.
  41. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2018: The ENSO effect on summertime Submonthly Wave Patterns over the Western North Pacific. SPARC General Assembly 2018, Kyoto, Japan, October 1-5, 2018.
  42. Ko, K.-C., 2019: The impact of ENSO on Submonthly Wave Patterns in the East Asian summer monsoon region. 「2019年海峽兩岸颱風與暴雨學術研討會」,雲南大理,8月24-28日,
  43. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2020: Interannual variability of Submonthly disturbances and the associated tropical cyclones in the East Asian summer monsoon region. 33rd Conference on Climate Variability and Change, Boston, January 12-16, 2020.
  44. Ko, K.-C., and J.-H. Liu, 2021: Impacts of Interannual events on Submonthly wave patterns/TCs in East Asian summer. 4th CHiA Forum and Year of Maritime Continent workshop, Taipei (virtual), September 1-3, 2021.
  45. Ko, K.-C., H.-H. Hsu, and J.-H. Liu, 2022: Changes in submonthly wave patterns and TCs in the western North Pacific under global warming. 5th CHiA Forum, Taipei, August 17-19, 2022.
  46. Ko, K.-C., 2023: On the detection of averaged intensity for wave patterns/tropical cyclones under different ISO propagation routes over the East Asian monsoon region. 32nd Conference on Weather Analysis and Forecasting (WAF), Madison, WI, July 17-21, 2023.
  47. Ko, K.-C., 2023: Changes in ISO propagation routes and their impact on submonthly wave patterns and TCs in the Northwest Pacific. 2023海峽兩岸颱風與暴雨學術研討會。敦煌,甘肅,August 13-17,2023。


  • Ko, K.-C., 1995: Characteristics of 1-2 week cyclic behavior of subtropical wind maxima over the Australian-South Pacific region. Ph.D. thesis. Department of Earth and Atmospheric Sciences, Purdue University, 106pp.
  • 柯亘重, 1996: 艾爾尼紐---大氣海洋交互作用。 台灣省南區高級中學八十五學年度地理科教學觀摩研習手冊,12-13。